Friday, April 7, 2017


     Hi everyone!
     In this post, I'm going to give my opinions about a website. I visited it and made an evaluation about it in terms of learning english.
     In today's world, learning english gains more and more importance, because it has become a global language as you know and therefore learning is necessary all over the world. For example; if you want to travel the world, and learn about other cultures, if you look for a good job or want to get a degree in your job, or if you want to be educated abroad, English must be in your pocket :)  You can say that: But how? How can I learn it? Don't be panic! You have lots of opportunities which technology offers you. However the point to be panic is how you can choose the right one. There are some criteria like accuracy, currency, content and functionality. I have searched and visited many websites related to learning English and chose one of them to evaluate for you. It is Learn English Free. It is a free online portal website suited for adolescents and adults learning english. It is a voluntary organisation and helps people to learn British English since 1999 for the love of English. Now it is time to evaluate it according to our criteria. :) 

      It consists of  7 sections. They are Learn English, grammar, vocabulary, improve, resources, chat and fun sections. In "Learn English" section, you can learn about the website and its background. In the "Grammar" section, it bombards you syntactic patterns and the grammar rules of English. It teaches the rules with both written texts and pictures. It includes many examples and exercises in order to strengthen your learning English.


      In "Vocabulary" section, there are many topics ranked alphabetically and you can learn lots of words about the topic which interests you. You can see the pictures related to the words and have dialogues, games and tests to understand how you use the words in a sentence or communicative situations. In the "Improve" section,  you have some clues about how to motivate yourself for learning, how you understand which learning strategy is the best for you and how to improve your learning skills, In the "Resources" section, you are provided with films, games, magazines, dictionaries, english radios, the news english. When you are bored with being bombarded by the rules and the vocabulary, you can apply these and practice your english in a funny way. If you say that I have learned all grammar rules and the vocabulary  but still I have difficulty in using them in communicative situations, you can also use "chat" section and make contacts with other people from different cultures online to communicate in English or  may have conversational practices on Skype, In this way, you may also meet new people and broaden your horizons. "Fun section" also enables you to practice your english with exercises like dictation, memorization, gap filling, sorting and matching. The site also provides English jokes, songs and poems for you. These are all very useful activities for learning English.

     We do not have a certain date to make sure if the site is constantly updated, but we can understand it is updated when we enter the website and look at news in English, films or magazines, because they are up to date.
     We can sure that the information in the site is accurate. The resources are reliable and the exercises are created by ESL English teachers (Lynne, Pryfllwyd and Amatsu) and many volunteers all over the world. You can also see their profiles if you want and do other exercises which are created by them.
     When I look at the grammar rules and exercises provided in the website, I couldn't find any errors and I think that they were created by professional teachers and also volunteers must have a high proficiency in english. 
     Additionally, images and videos in the website have high quality. They are varied and colorful and thus they may get learners' attention easily and make them more motivated to learn.
     As far as I have examined, this website does not include harmful things or propagandas to direct learners. It is a safe website. Its aim is just make learners love learning english. In my opinion, English learners may benefit from this website to learn and improve their English. It offers them lots of opportunities and gives lots of tips for improving their English. Now, it is time to decide for you. If you want to become a good learner, don't be panic, Just use this website! :)

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